Terms of Service

Terms of Service

These are our no-nonsense terms of service, avoiding the use of lengthy legalese wording as much as possible. By using any software or services provided here, you have entered the following agreement with Axantum Software AB, in addition to the respective license valid for a particular software.

GPL Open Source Software

Our GNU General Public License open source software is free and for that software the terms of the GPL Version 3 or later are valid. In some cases we do ask that you pay the maintenance of our pre-built and tested binaries to gain access to all features. What you then pay for is the download and maintenance of the pre-built software, it's not a license to use the software. It's thus only a maintenance subscription, not actually a license for the software, since the software is free and already licensed under GPL. It's just a grant for the unrestricted use of our pre-built binary. Without having a valid maintenance subscription, the pre-built downloaded software may run with some few restrictions. Once you have the maintenance subscription, no more restrictions and you're welcome to download any updates published during the validity of the subscription.

A downloaded binary will run "forever" without restrictions regardless of the maintenance subscription validity. The subscription limits the binary to have been built during the validity period only, independently of when the download was made, or what the current date is. If the binary was built after the expiration date of the maintenance license, it's considered invalid.

Since the free software is really free under the terms of the GPL license, you are always welcome to download the source code from github, and build it yourself with your own tooling without any cost whatsoever except the value of your own hardware, software, time and patience.

If an error is discovered in the free GPL open source software and brought to our attention, we may attempt to correct it, or include a fix provided by a user, at a time of our convenience.

The GPL license is included in the software and is also available at the GNU Free Software Foundation website.

GPL open source software requiring a maintenance subscription for full functionality for our pre-built binaries include Xecrets Cli.

Proprietary Closed Source Software

We also offer software that is not open source, that does require an actual license to use, in some cases free and in some cases at a cost. If that software uses any of the GPL software, the appropriate subscription allowing use of any pre-built binaries is of course included.

While we have spent a lot of time and effort ensuring that the licensed software actually does work, and it won't cause any data loss, we offer no such actual warranty or guarantee to the extent allowed by applicable law. By the very nature of encryption software, such software always carries with a risk of data loss if the password is forgotten, lost or otherwise becomes unknown. It is your responsibility as a user to always ensure adequate backups and other safety measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data, and we will never accept any responsibility whatsoever for data loss or other damages, regardless of the perceived cause.

You use the software entirely at your own risk, and we will not assume any responsibility for any loss of data, time, money or similar directly or indirectly as a result of using it.

If an error is discovered in the licensed software and brought to our attention, we will attempt to correct it as fast as reasonable considering also the nature of the error, but we do not promise to do so within any particular time frame.

Proprietary closed source software requiring a subscription for premium features use include Xecrets Ez.

Limitations without subscription

Xecrets Ez is free to use without a subscription, but premium features require a subscription to be available.

For Xecrets Cli the only restriction when running a pre-built binary without a valid maintenance subscription is the size of files that can be encrypted, which is limited to 1 MB. Interactive and regular script use is always unrestricted, it's only when using some features for programmatic integration that any restrictions will apply without a maintenance subscription. You can always decrypt previously encrypted files as long as you know the password, regardless of having a valid subscription or not.

Subscription License Validity

A premium subscription license for Xecrets Ez is valid for a single person on any number of computers. A maintenance subscription for Xecrets Cli is valid for all use within the organization, or by the physical person, purchasing it.

Trials and Refunds

If you sign up for a subscription a full unlimited trial for 10 days is included, and you can always cancel within the 10 day period and then you will not be charged anything. If would like a refund, we will do so with no questions asked. Within reason of course... Please just contact support, we'd appreciate if you let us know why you want the refund, but you don't have to provide a reason.

Applicable Law

This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Sweden. Any dispute in connection with this agreement shall be settled by the Stockholm District Court ("Stockholms tingsrätt").

If any part of this agreement is unclear, it shall be interpreted in a best effort to approach the apparent intention, and always in favor of Axantum Software AB. If any part is determined to be invalid, the rest of the agreement shall still hold.